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    GreenSlate Pro Training

    Looking to expand your accounting skills and gain a competitive edge? Learn the latest accounting technology, workflows, and more in our in-depth Pro Training sessions. Our industry experts will guide you through simple ways to become a GreenSlate power user, whether you’re new to the system or you’ve used GreenSlate before.

    • Production Accountant
    • 1st Assistant
    • 2nd Assistant
    • Payroll Accountant
    Virtual training 03
    Virtual Training

    Production Accountant

    Friday, April 18th
    9 am - 1 pm PT
    12 pm - 4 pm ET
    A minimum of 3 show credits as a Production Accountant is required to attend.
    This virtual training is tailored for current Key Production Accountants and Controllers. We will cover how to do your job using GreenSlate and how it can streamline your work and your department.
    Virtual training 02
    Virtual Training

    Advanced 1st Assistant

    Thursday, April 24th and Friday, April 25th
    9 am - 12 pm PT
    12 pm - 3 pm ET
    A minimum of 3 show credits as a 2nd or 1 credit as a 1st is required to attend.
    If you're an experienced 1st or 2nd Assistant who's new to GreenSlate or just looking to level up your skills in the GreenSlate app, our two-day virtual training session will provide valuable insights and skills to help you streamline your workflows and become a GreenSlate power user. 
    Virtual training 03
    Virtual Training

    2nd Assistant Accountant

    Tuesday, April 22nd and Wednesday, April 23rd
    9 am - 1 pm PT
    12 pm - 4 pm ET
    A minimum of 2 show credits as a clerk or 1 credit as a 2nd is required to attend.
    This training is tailored for 2nd Assistants and Accounting Clerks. We will cover all the elements of how the Accounting department is run and why, and how to use GreenSlate to strengthen your skills and be the best candidate for your next position. This class is geared towards Clerks and 2nd’s.
    Virtual training 03
    Virtual Training

    Payroll Accountant

    Wednesday, April 16th and Thursday, April 17th
    9 am - 12 pm PT
    12 pm - 3 pm ET
    A minimum of 2 show credits as a Payroll Accountant or 4 as a Payroll Clerk is required to attend.
    This two-day virtual Payroll Accountant training session will offer valuable insights and skills to help you streamline your workflow. Our all-in-one app makes onboarding, start work, managing timecards, and approvals simple and fast. Say goodbye to the hassles of multiple logins, apps, imports, exports, and more.