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    The only all-in-one app for production accounting and payroll.

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    6 ways to work smarter with GreenSlate…

    Our all-in-one app is setting the standard for streamlined efficiency and superior service.

    01-Setup in 5 days
    1. Setup in 5 days or less

    Simplified project onboarding allows you to stop and save your progress as needed, eliminating the need to reenter information, and to use setup templates for roles, permissions, and coding.

    2. One app, one login

    Customizable digital approval flows streamline all your payroll and accounting, replacing paper-based workflows and trips to the office. It's the best solution for secure remote work.

    3. Work fewer hours

    No scanning, no filing, no Dropbox. Eliminate paper pushing, unnecessary data entry, importing, and exporting with digital onboarding and timecards. Replace all paper accounting forms with paperless equivalents.

    4-Timely callbacks
    4. Timely callbacks, guaranteed

    Highly responsive training and support from the #1 service provider, offering free team training and efficient issue resolution.

    5. Real-time cost reporting

    Everything is at your fingertips. Easily view reports and drill down to transaction-level data, eliminating the need for multiple unsynchronized platforms.

    06-Easy wrap
    6. Easy wrap documentation transfer

    Backup documents are delivered with custom naming flexibility, allowing for seamless transitions to studios or auditors, and bulk processing to reduce manual work and staff requirements.

    Embrace Innovation. Contact us today to see what GreenSlate can do for you.