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    Want To Save Time Running Reports? Go To 'The Grid' in GreenSlate

    Your time is a valuable resource, and running reports can take up a lot of it.

    GreenSlate gives you capabilities to both efficiently run the reports you need to run and even eliminate some reporting by leveraging our application's grid structure and customizable views so you can get back time that you can use to focus on what matters most.

    Manager of Accountant Training and overall general production accounting expert Jenna Kaye trains production offices on the regular, and with over 20 years of experience in production accounting, she knows a thing or two. 

    For instance, she says that "our brains are not tuned to run thousand tasks at once or distill through reams of data as efficiently as a super computer would."

    What does work is having the capability of sorting and sifting through only the data that matters to us. If as a production accountant you're asked to find specific information, would you rather be able to easily find what you need quickly and send it over in a timely fashion or dig through extraneous information and waste time? 

    The answer is obvious. 

    So take a couple minutes and watch Jenna explain how to use custom views and easily navigate the grid in GreenSlate and discover how you'll be able to cut back on some reports entirely and simplify some of the reports you're required to run.

    ✅ Would you like to learn directly from Jenna yourself? Or would your team benefit from gaining a stronger understanding of how GreenSlate works? Get updates on future virtual and in-person training here

    ✅ Not using GreenSlate yet? Book a demo and learn more. 

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