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    Unpacking Payroll With GreenSlate's SVP Of Payroll Operations

    Sandra Wetmore, a 20+ year production payroll vet and GreenSlate’s SVP of Payroll Operations recently hosted a webinar where entertainment payroll specialists had a chance to ask her anything.

    And ask they did, around all things production payroll from current industry trends, to crew software adoption challenges, on down the line to the nuts and bolts of production accounting and payroll software like GreenSlate and how to make the most of it.

    Sandra, along with Todd Kislig (our Digital Success Account Manager and fellow payroll pro), also dove into some commonly overlooked GreenSlate features that shouldn't be missed.

    To get the ball rolling for this webinar we started posting polls on our GreenSlate LinkedIn company page over the last few weeks, and here you’ll get to see the results and hear Sandra and Todd speak in-depth about each.

    There’s lots of knowledge “unpacked” here.

    And remember, we’re always here for our clients and users supporting them in whatever way we can.

    What to look for in a payroll provider

    Poll 1 Results LinkedIn Payroll Unpacked GreenSlate

    On the LinkedIn poll, "Accuracy" was the clear winner. For webinar attendees, it was a bit closer with 31% voting for accuracy, 29% voting for knowledgable paymaster, and 22% giving the nod to excellent working relationships with one writing in “all of the above.” 

    Here's Sandra and Todd talking about each of these choices, what they mean, and why they actually all matter.

    Making sure payroll is accurate

    During the webinar we also asked, "Which of the following ensures payroll is accurate?"

    • How the deals are created and employees onboarded 
    • Hours to gross
    • Flexibility of using a combination of paper and digital together

    Winning the vote was "How the deals are created and employees are onboarded" with 56% of the total vote. 

    Todd walks through the nuts and bolts of onboarding, hours to gross, and leveraging GreenSlate's flexibility.

    Delayed payroll submission. It happens. Why?

    Nobody is pointing fingers here, but there does tend to be a perception that delayed payroll submission results mostly from crew not submitting on time. 

    Poll 2 Results Delayed Payroll Submission

    As you can see from the LinkedIn poll results, issues with crew submitting on time seems to be the prevailing thorn in the side when it comes to payroll delays. 

    This result leaned even more heavily towards crew submission times during the webinar polling of the same question, with 68% voting for it, and 27% voting for approval process.

    Sandra and Todd dive into why, and how to solve for it.

    Is your payroll provider team your partner?

    This is sort of a gimme, but just how much of a gimme is it? On LinkedIn, the results were decisive

    Poll 3 Payroll Partner Results

    Granted there were only 12 total votes so we can't say this is all that decisive. 


    During the webinar a whopping 98% chose yes

    Listen to Sandra and Todd explain why there's total agreement here, and how GreenSlate embraces the role of being your payroll partner.

    Read more: Here's why a successful partnership with your payroll provider is key

    Q&A time

    No webinar is complete without questions from the audience. As usual, attendees came prepared with some great questions and we had answers.

    One last thing...

    That question above of "I have a big show. Can GreenSlate handle it."

    If you didn't catch Sandra's answer, here you go. "We do everything from documentaries to national low budget all the way to $200 million plus productions. Studio projects, big features, or series. It doesn’t matter. It's because of the way the system works, the way we work, and the way we’ve trained all our folks. We’re made for efficiency, and we're made for a quick turnaround. We get things done.

    Size does not matter when it comes to payroll processing. We got you. We can handle anything that you guys need and we have the experience. So it's all good. You're taken care of here."

    ✅ Don't want to miss out on the next webinar? Sign up here for updates.

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