Sundance Thriller "Resurrection" Comes to the US July 29

The psychodrama from IFC Films is scheduled for US release...and it's sure to take you on a wild ride.
Official plot summary:
Margaret’s life is in order. She is capable, disciplined, and successful. Soon, her teenage daughter, who Margaret raised by herself, will be going off to a fine university, just as Margaret had intended. Everything is under control. That is, until David returns, carrying with him the horrors of Margaret’s past.
Written and directed by:
Andrew Semans
Produced by:
Tory Lenosky, Alex Scharfman, Drew Houpt, Lars Knudsen, Tim Headington, Lia Buman
Rebecca Hall, Grace Kaufman, Michael Esper, Tim Roth
In the Media:
“The movie first gets under the skin because its jaw-dropping backstory is just plausible enough to belong to you or someone you love or even the badass single mom who works in your office, runs like Tom Cruise, rocks a form-fitting power suit during her corporate biology presentations, and blithely summons a married underling to her apartment for sex whenever she needs to feel like she has control over someone.” -Indiewire
"Hall, as one would expect, sells the hell out of this, bristling with fury and gripped by a fear not just aimed at David but at herself and what she might be capable of doing. It’s yet another top-of-her-game turn (a scene of her uncontrollably crying alone is truly shattering)” - the Guardian
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