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    State-By-State Film & TV Production Tax Credit Updates For 2024

    We're halfway through 2024 and we here at GreenSlate thought it might be a good idea to collect the most relevant updates, proposed bills, and additions to film and TV production tax incentive programs on a per state basis. 

    These are in alphabetical order and updated as of June 18, 2024. We'll add updates to this list as we come across them.

    Without further delay, let's dive into the film and TV tax credit and incentive news you need to know about so far in 2024.


    Colorado recently passed House Bill 1358 which expands the tax incentive program for film, TV and commercial productions shooting in Colorado. The bill allocates $5 million per year over the next four years to productions filming in Colorado. HB 1358 also establishes payments to personal service corporations as qualified local expenditures.

    Other program highlights are:

    • Up to a 20% refundable tax credit on qualified expenses
    • 2% uplift available when shooting in enhanced counties
    • Required minimum spend of $100K for CO production companies
    • Required minimum spend of $1M for non-CO production companies
    • CPA audit required
    • Screen credit required
    • To apply, production must show proof of financing

    Legislators expect the expanded tax incentive to be a huge financial boon for local businesses,  especially with additional incentives for productions that use local infrastructure, and film in rural regions or marginalized urban areas.


    Proposed bill H.B. 5510 is still lurking in the Connecticut General Assembly that would eliminate the film tax credit in the state. 

    The last action the bill saw was on March 20th for a public hearing where local filmmakers argued against the bill. 

    According to the report, "Name brand media companies with significant operations in the state, including ESPN and NBCUniversal, also argued for keeping the tax credits in place."

     Stay tuned.


    A bill that was introduced in January by State Senator Linda Stewart which would have authorized proceeds of the Tourist Development Tax to be used toward funding incentives for the production of films and television series by certain production companies filming within the State, did not pass and died on March, 8 in Commerce and Tourism.

    Since then, Florida has gone in the opposite direction with The House Appropriations Committee passing HB 5 in April, which overhauls state tax credits, including those for film and TV productions.

    Also passed was bill PCB APC 23-05, which "wholly eliminates the tax rebate programs for film, TV, video games, music videos, commercials and other entertainment productions."


    A study completed earlier this year found that for every dollar Illinois spent on the tax credit nearly $7 was generated. The study also found that 93.5% of productions filmed in the state chose Illinois for their production tax incentives.

    The Illinois Film Production Tax Credit offers a 30% transferable tax credit for qualified film, television, streaming, and commercials projects shot in the state, with an additional 15% credit available for salaries paid to crew who live in economically disadvantaged areas across the state.

    The study showed how the Illinois tax credit program has been essential to economic activity and the creation of jobs within the state. The program also has a significant positive impact on attracting productions to film in Illinois.

    Peter Hawley, director of the Illinois Film Office, has said that business is booming: “Right now, we’ve got nine TV shows in town. And we have a good pipeline of productions coming in.”


    Iowa hasn’t offered tax incentives to film & TV productions since 2009, but a new bill proposed earlier this year would create a two-year, 10-million-dollar pilot project to provide a 30 percent tax rebate for qualified expenses. 


    This year filmmakers have been urging Kansas legislators to pass the Film Tax Credit Bill. The bill would create a Film and Digital Media Production program, offering a sales tax exemption and non-refundable tax credits to qualifying production activities in the state. Educational and economic development programs to incentivize and promote the growth of the film production industry in Kansas would also be established.

    Some details from the proposed bill are:

    • Program funding of $12 million dollars annually, of which $10 million would be allocated to film & TV tax credits with $2 million funding workforce training & educational funds
    • 30% transferable tax credit on eligible spend
    • Potential uplifts available for multi-film deals, television series, high budgeted projects, investing in local infrastructure, and projects hiring 50% or more Kansas residents
    • Initial application required

    The approval of this bill could Kansas lure film and television productions to their state, in addition to creating more jobs, expanding workforce development in the industry and aid in promoting tourism.

    ➡️ Related: How To Choose The Best Production Tax Incentive Management Service For Your Film Or TV Show


    In May, the Michigan House Committee approved House Bills 4907 and 4908, which aim to resurrect a film incentive program (check out the proposed details in the below post). The bills now move on to be presented to the full House.

    The incentives would have positive impacts throughout other industries in the state, including in Northern Michigan according to (R) Rep. John Roth, who introduced the bill.

    “Yes, there’s actors that make big money. There’s also a ton of people behind them doing the production, the filming — everything that goes behind the scenes, the electricians. Those people are trying to make a living and stay in their own state,” he said.

    Details of the package include:

    • The bills would create a transferable tax credit administered by the state’s Film and Digital Media Office, for companies producing qualified productions in Michigan.
    • The Michigan Film and Digital Media Office could approve credits for 30% of the qualified production expenditures if the proposed production includes approved logos or 25% if it does not.
    • Credits for 30% of the qualified personnel expenditures for employees who are Michigan residents when they begin work on the production and 20% for employees who are not.
    • 10% credit on expenditures for probationary Michigan vendors that would have qualified as a production expenditure if the vendor was a qualified Michigan vendor.
    • Additional 5% credit for expenditures for a certified minority or woman-owned business, a certified business owned by persons with disabilities, or a veteran-owned business or for employees who are part of a minority group, have a disability or are veterans.
    • Productions must be created wholly or partially in the state for exhibition or distribution, in any digital format, film or videotape in order to qualify for the credit. *With exceptions.
    • The new credit is issued as a transferable tax credit voucher, which would ensure the credit remains in the state.
    • A minimum spend of $300,000 per project 20 minutes or longer, and $50,000 per project under 20 minutes or for commercial photography would be required in order to qualify for the credit.
    • Safeguards to address issues with the old program, including a credit cap and a 10-year sunset on the program.
    • Cap on compensation of more than $500,000 per person, versus the previous incentive’s $2 million salary cap.


    The Explore Minnesota Film Office will be created this summer and be dedicated to attracting film and TV productions, and "will promote Minnesota to Hollywood producers and administer tax credits already in place for incentivizing production."


    Missouri is making more moves to attract filmmakers to the state following the reinstatement of a film and TV tax incentive program last October. Kelley Hiatt, hired on as the St. Louis Film Office's Manager recently acknowledge that there is still work to be done on St. Louis and Missouri's infrastructure for "big filming" projects, "...we are absolutely working on that and at some point, I hope I can get some sort of permitting process together so that the production is protected, they have gone through all their due diligence and make sure it is a safe and effective filming space."


    On February 14, 2024 Ohio's Department of Development shared the productions awarded a combined total of $44 million dollars. The program "provides $50 million annually, evenly divided between the two rounds, plus any rollover amounts from the proceeding period and any recaptured funds from previous productions."


    A bill introduced last February in Wisconsin would establish a state film office under the Department of Tourism to manage income and franchise tax credits for film production companies.

    The measure creates a 25% tax credit for salaries and wages paid to employees for film production services and offers a similar 25% credit for production costs and investments. Those credits would be capped at $5 million a year.

    Offering these incentives would allow Wisconsin to compete with neighboring states that already offer production incentives.

    ✅ You can follow VP of Production Tax Incentives Michele Miller on LinkedIn for these updates as they happen, or drop her an email directly here.

    ✅ We’re here for you with our production tax incentive management service if you need help navigating this complicated landscape. 

    Topics: Tax Incentives

    Michele Miller

    Vice President of Production Tax Incentives at GreenSlate.

    June 18, 2024

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